1. Introduction to Agile and Scrum
1.1 Concepts of Agile and Scrum
o 1.1.1 Explain why Agile methodologies are important and how they add value
o 1.1.2 Describe Agile manifesto and principles
o 1.1.3 Explain the Agile project management framework
1.2 Other Agile methodologies
o 1.2.1 Name all the other Agile methodologies that are prevalent out there
o 1.2.2 Describe characteristics of Crystal, FDD, DSDM, XP and AUP, and how they differ from Scrum.
2. Scrum practices
2.1 Important roles
o 2.1.1 Explain the Product owner role
o 2.1.2 Explain the Scrum máster role
o 2.1.3 Explain the Scrum team role
o 2.1.4 Explain the manager role in Scrum
o 2.1.5 Explain how some of the other roles (e.g. technical architect) play out in Scrum and how they can contribute.
2.2 The rituals and time-boxing
o 2.2.1 Explain the characteristics of Time-boxing
o 2.2.2 Explain the characteristics of Sprints
o 2.2.3 Explain the characteristics of the daily stand-up
o 2.2.4 Explain the characteristics of the Sprint review
o 2.2.5 Explain the characteristics of the Sprint retrospective
2.3 The importance of a backlog
o 2.3.1 Explain the characteristics of a backlog
o 2.3.3 Write good requirements, do’s and don’ts for the product owners
o 2.3.4 Split stories
2.4 Scrum methods and practices
o 2.4.1 Describe the principles of refactoring, pair programming and continuous integration
o 2.4.2 Explain the value of Configuration management
o 2.4.3 Tell the difference between Agile testing and testing on conventional projects
o 2.4.4 Defend the value of Test-driven-development
o 2.4.5 Define when a Sprint, Story and a Release is really done
3. Scrum planning
3.1 The concept of light-weight, flexible plans
o 3.1.1 Defend the value of Responding to change versus following a plan
o 3.1.2 Plan at multiple levels: Daily, Sprint, Release, Product, Portfolio
o 3.1.3 Describe a high-level roadmap for Release planning
o 3.1.4 Plan Sprints for the next few weeks of activity
3.2 How to get to a reliable estimate
o 3.2.1 Name the first principles about estimation
o 3.2.2 Distinguish types of estimates
o 3.2.3 Define Units of measure for size
o 3.2.4 Describe techniques of estimation
4. Monitoring Scrum projects
4.1 The importance of monitoring
o 4.1.1 Name the first principles of monitoring
o 4.1.2 Indicate metrics used in Scrum
o 4.1.3 Justify commonly used charts in Scrum
o 4.1.4 Describe how to create information radiators
5. Advanced Scrum concepts
5.1 Scrum in different situations
o 5.1.1 Describe how to apply Scrum to large projects with complex inter-dependencies
o 5.1.2 Describe how to apply Scrum to “maintenance projects”
o 5.1.3 Describe Scrum in distributed teams: What works and what does not
o 5.1.4 Explain how contracts and fixed price projects can be tailored for Scrum
o 5.1.5 Explain how to transition teams or projects to Scrum
Metodología: Presencial / Virtual Class
Fechas: Consúltenos las fechas.
Lugar de realización: Aula CB Center, en C/ Jacinto Verdaguer 17, Madrid./ online
Incluye Documentación Oficial.
Características del curso
- Conferencia 0
- Cuestionario 0
- Duración 15 horas
- Nivel de habilidad Todos los niveles
- Idioma Español
- Estudiantes 0
- Evaluaciones Yo